Monday, May 25, 2009

Tutpup is an online game site that allows students to compete against students from all over the world in math or spelling contests.

You are able to use the site without registration, but joining does allow you to save student accomplishments. Note that spelling is pronounced with a British accent (sometimes a little thick for my students to understand), and spellings will be British! Teachers sign up and can create a class identity; only teachers have to put in their real names.

Check out the Help for Parents link for additional information about registration and how to use the site. You can choose to allow students to compete with students outside their classroom, outside their school, or just within their own class. Teachers can also lock the class list to prevent anyone else from joining. Students must wait for an opponent to appear to participate in the activities.. As soon as a competitor appears, each student sees the same game and tries to answer each question faster than his opponent. Players can see their progress throughout the game, as well as the time remaining. Be aware: this site is still in Beta and requires Flash.

My remedial maths students love this site! I logged in the other day to see if any of my classes were playing outside of school time. One of my lowest ability students had played a number of games and was actually ranked 1st in Australia and 2nd in the World (for the past 24 hours). I was able to share the screen dump I took of his ranking with him and his teacher and let all the other students know how well he'd done. This had such a positive effect on his self esteeme and I was able to share it with his father who was very proud of him. It also encouraged my other remedial students that they too had a chance to be first in Australia (if not the world!) and their game playing outside of school also increased.

Students can, like my remedial champion, play games at levels they are comfortable with, however we have included this as part of a weekly timestable program and they are only allowed to play games inclass time based on their timestable of the week. It is amazing to hear them say "oh I know that one now". I love their motivation while they're playing and it's one of the highlights of my week.

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