Monday, May 25, 2009

Place Value Activities for IWB

Here are a few IWB activities I've found useful for my Learning Difficulties students. They can of course be used with younger classes.

There are hundreds and hundreds of online resources for IWB, especially from the UK so it's worth doing your own search. Once again, I'd love for you to share any links that you have.

Shark Numbers - Place Value

Kids get given worksheet after worksheet by their of Dienes blocks activities to answer. Instead of doing the worksheets we do this activity from on the whiteboard. They have so much more fun. It looks at place value for numbers from 9 to 9999.

Place Value Abbacus
This game is another useful place value tool. Students move beads onto the place value abbacus to make the given number. Very hands on learning! It is from which requires registration (and costs money!) but it does have a couple of sample activities, including this one.

Decimal Place Value
My students aren't up to decimal place value yet, but I've got this stored away in favourites for when we need it. Basically it's a pull apart activity from to show what (eg) 3.1 means (ie 3 plus 0.1)

Number Place Value Playground
A reading/writing number place value game from It doesn't have too many to solve at one time (a plus for Learning Difficulty students) but moves them on to reading and writing numbers! This website requires registration, but it's free and the website has HEAPS AND HEAPS of useful resources. More to be mentioned over time.

Partitioning Numbers
From the same website as the one above. Students partition numbers (eg 528 into chunks of 500, 20 and 8). Another from the site which helps with partitioning numbers in a simpler (quicker) form is Archery Bullseye other great activities on place value and partitioning from this Learning Clip can be found HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I would like to show you great site with many free online math games for kids.
For Place Value Games: place value games for 3rd grade
for the main site: maths games